This ground I’ve walked, I’ve walked before
This Ground I've walked, I've walked before - Acrylic on Canvas - 2024
This ground I’ve walked, I’ve walked before. I know it’s oddities, it’s dangling limbs, It’s buried roots, it’s ancient trees. Oak, elder, pine, we are all friends. I breathe it’s forests, eyes closed, hands open. I soak in it’s seas and run down it’s hills. It’s rooted within me, a lived history within every new step. I know this ground, I’ve walked it before
I think sometimes people are under the misconception that abstract pieces are spontaneous and quick to paint, personally my paintings are laboured over for months, often starting out completely differently to where they end up. I work with a colour palette, often reflecting on landscapes I have experienced. ‘This ground I’ve walked, I’ve walked before’( Chunky title I know ) is a reflection of a known landscape, particularly for me the distinct yellow fields and green hills, England in summer. It’s complimentary poem, talks about how places stick within your very being, you may walk places you never have before but feel a very real connection to the place and it’s steeped history.
Finished edges painted in soft yellow
Recently finished it’s been really liberating to paint big again, this is something I used to do when I studied Art, when I depleted my student loan on large canvas and big pots of paint. 100 x 100CM it’s a bit more manageable and causes quite a striking piece on my mantlepiece, but it is for sale and as much as I will be delighted when it finds a new home I will miss her. Speak to the lovely Saira at ‘Discerning Palette’ for more information on how to purchase.